Hi there… Contact me if you’re interested in talking with me about my artwork.

Or perhaps you’re looking for more support for your meditation practice?

Meditation brings us more keenly into contact with our physical bodies, emotional life, states of mind, and awareness itself. As we stay with meditation practice, we encounter these facets of ourselves in new ways - we can experience liberating openings in the heart and mind, and sometimes we meet resistance and challenge, which can feel like road-blocks on the path.

Generally, when any of this happens, it’s good news - it means we are making progress on the path to a more awakened life. And this is also where the support of another (a mentor, teacher, spiritual friend) can be of immense help.

A one-to-one session is designed to meet you where you are right now in your practice. Wise guidance and listening can support when meeting uncharted territory, and it can be powerful medicine when coming face-to-face with challenging habits and patterns. These sessions utilise the lens of the dharma teachings to help loosen areas of holding, to illuminate 'blind spots' in practice, and to savour moments of letting go - essentially, to serve the liberating of heart and mind from suffering. 

Reach out if you'd like a one-to-one session with me - these (online, or face-to-face) sessions can really support your deepening practice, and to living a wiser, more joyful life!